Postcode Programming API  PostTrans XL Visual Importer: PostTrans System Settings

The following page, discusses the system settings within PostTrans:

  PostTrans Training School: Your 25 minute free personal training videos

We have developed a 25 minute training course to give you a complete understanding of how to create your own PostTrans templates to achieve your goals, using our example templates as a starting point.

System Setup - General Tab - PostTrans Setup Button for Exchequer button on PostTrans Toolbar

When the user presses the [Post Transaction] button, PostTrans uses the settings found in the “defaults” sheet, of the template. These settings are stored in the “defaults” sheet, but should only be edited from the button, on the PostTrans Toolbar.  You should never edit the “defaults” sheet directly.

PostTrans System Setup

When the user attempts to import for the first time PostTrans will force you to set the company to import into automatically.



Override with OLE CODE in Cell

CellRef: Use the OLE code specified in cell to determine the company PostTrans will import into.   Also used by Authorise-e to get user.

Transaction Tag Row

This is the row where, when importing transactions, PostTrans will look for tags to identify Exchequer Enterprise fields

Transaction Line Data start row

This is the row where, when importing transactions, PostTrans will expect to find data

Maximum Number of lines

Maximum Number of lines, in spreadsheet PostTrans will read

Delete Markers fount in row

This is the row where, used to identify deletion markers.   More on deletion markers

System Setup - Trans Switches Tab - PostTrans Setup Button for Exchequer button on PostTrans Toolbar

Transaction Switches

Under this tab, various settings can be altered when importing Transactions:



Use Account 'Alt Search Ref' to match accounts instead of code

When ON PostTrans will convert account "Alt Ref" code to account codes when importing data

This allows account data to be imported from an external system, with external reference in account “Alt ref” field. Then use this external reference in transaction data, in the ACCode. PostTrans will then lookup the account based on "Alt Ref" code, and convert to Exchequer code behind the scenes.

Don't enforce Job codes in Job Code Cells

If on then makes user fill in all job codes specified   Turn on for timesheets, etc

Manually Calc VAT (by-pass Exchequer VAT Verification 

VAT will be specified on spread sheet, and manually calc flag turn on for each transactions.  Use with care, as VAT amounts are not validated when ON. Used to overcome rounding VAT issues.

Allow Manual VAT adjustment buttons on Confirmation Window

Displays buttons to allow user to adjust VAT by +/- 0.01 pence on confirmation window.  This allows slight adjustment when importing from external systems which use different rounding rules.

Note it adjusts whatever VAT code has the highest value.

Ignore 0 qty stock values on Transactions and Zero value on NOMs

This allows a template containing a list of stock codes to be used.  The user can simply enter qty against stock codes they wish to order/stock adjust, PostTrans will ignore any lines with 0 qty.   Used for Simple Order pad using excel

Also works on NOMs for zero credit/Debit values and TSH hours = 0 

Note: This is automatically turned on for ADJ's

The "Quick Order Pad", "ADJ", "Timesheet"  Examples shows this in action.  Click here for more information on PostTrans examples

Video : Create Quick order pads for Telesales operations

Discount as %

Any Discount specified, will be a percentage, else PostTrans assumes an amount

Write back lookups and defaults 

Write back any values looked from Exchequer Enterprise database.  For Example when importing Timesheets PostTrans will fill in Cost and Charge out rates in spreadsheet if not specified when [Update Lookups] button is pressed

Read Stock description from spreadsheet

To stop multiple lines being added from stock record, when using multiple lines on a transaction import 


Click here for more inforation about Transaction Descriptions

and break on ","

If ticked then lines are broken up using "," in description line on Transactions

Also effects Stock import too, so Desc1 becomes the 6 lines, separated by "," but this character can change since V7.3.20

LIVE LOOKUPS will turn this option ON automatically

Allow Zero Sales/Cost price

If ticked then allows Zero Sales/Cost price to be posted. Setting "with warning" displays a warning to the user for them to check values on confirmation window.

If Account Code on Transaction is un-recgonised:

Allow User to change Account Code

Allow User to change Account Code, from within the confirmation window before posting

Allow user to create account called 'UNKOWN'  

If Account does not exist in Exchequer Enterprise, then create an account using specified account code, but give name "UNKOWN". These accounts can then be found using Enterprise search, and details added later.

Warn before creating new 'UNKOWN' Account

Warn user before creating above account

System Setup - Confirmation Tab - PostTrans Setup Button for Exchequer button on PostTrans Toolbar

Under this tab, confirmation settings can be altered, which are shown when importing Transactions:




Before Posting Transaction:

Show Confirmation before posting transaction

Turn ON/OFF confirmation window.   You may want to suppress this window if importing data which contains multiple Transactions from an external system.   

Note : Credit Check will not be applied if this is turned OFF

Show Cost Centre/Department break down


Show Job Costing break down


Show Stock Code break down


Apply Credit Check

Warn user if over account over credit limit, on stop, see notes, closed.  User can still import transaction but will be on "Credit hold" status

Note : Will only check this if Confirmation is enabled

Do NOT allow negative Stock

If ON will stop user posting stock QTY which will make system go negative

Allow overwrite transaction

Allows user to amend transaction and repost into Exchequer

When posted, PostTrans deletes all existing lines on Transaction, then adds the lines again 

Note : It does not clear notes lines or links when being overwritten

          Will not update TSH/ADJ/SRI/PPY/NOM transactions

          For single Transactions only


The "SQU" Example shows this in action.  Click here for more information on PostTrans examples

Video : Sales Quotes with revision history

System Setup - Default Values Tab - PostTrans Setup Button for Exchequer button on PostTrans Toolbar

When this window is closed PostTrans will validate default GL/Cost Centre codes entered in the setup window.   If these are invalid please set the appropriate values in:




When importing a Transaction, stamp with this operator name

else in Cell Ref

CellRef: Enter here the cell where PostTrans will find Exchequer Operator name


When importing a Transaction, use this as default currency 1-89, unless overidden on sheet.

Sales GL Code

Uses Stock default Sales GL, else this value, unless overidden on sheet.

Cost of Sale GL Code

Uses Stock default Cost of Sales GL, else this value, unless overidden on sheet.

Payment GL Code

When importing a Transaction, use this default GL for payment lines, unless overidden on sheet.

VAT code

When importing a Transaction, use this default VAT code

Due Days

When importing a Transaction, if not specified then due date is Transaction date + Enterprise due days for customer

Cost Centre

When importing a Transaction, use this default, according to "Rules" below.


When importing a Transaction, use this default, according to "Rules" below.


"PostTrans Default" (Use the default value given on this page), "Stock, Account, PostTrans Default" or "Account, Stock, PostTrans Default" for Cost Centre and Department


When importing a Transaction, give status 0=Post,1=On Query,2=Unitl Aloc,3=Authorise

or in cell

Post status using value from cell ref, overides the "Status" field

Default Stock location

If Locations is turned on, then use this location if not specified on Transactions.

System Setup - Transaction Header Tab - PostTrans Setup Button for Exchequer button on PostTrans Toolbar

Unwanted fields can be left blank.  Note you must be careful when adding columns to the template.  For example if we add a column between D and E then “Delivery address will no longer be in cell H3-H7 and Post Trans will see the first lines as “Add1:”.

When importing Transactions, we have to set various Transaction Header fields as well as specifying transaction lines such as AccountCode, TransaDate, Duedate, etc.  Shown in red below:

Exchequer Enterprise Cells Refs

Where we position these fields are specified in the System Setup under the "Trans Header Cell Refs" and "Trans Header Cell2":



Transaction Type


Customer/Supplier Account:

CellRef: Customer/Supplier account code.  Ignores anything after ","

Transaction Date

CellRef: Date of Transaction

Due Date

CellRef: Due Date if applicable

Your Ref

CellRef: Subject or description of Fax/e-mail

Alt Ref.

CellRef: Alt Ref. or Description on TSH/NOM/ADJ Transactions


This tick box ensures a transaction has not been posted before by checking that the select ref has not been posted against the account before

Ctrl GL Code

CellRef: Transaction Control GL Code. If not specified then PostTrans will use the default in Enterprise


CellRef: Normally set automatically 


CellRef: Normally set automatically  

User 1-4

CellRef: Transaction Header User fields 1-4

User 5-10

CellRef: Transaction Header User fields 5-10 (V6.9+)

Timesheet Wk/Month

CellRef: Timesheet Wk no

Timesheet Employee Code

CellRef: Timesheet Employee Code . Ignores anything after ","

Job Code

CellRef: Default Job Code for all lines. Ignores anything after ","

Analysis code

CellRef: Default Analysis Code for all lines.  Ignores anything after ","

System Setup - Transaction Header2 Tab - PostTrans Setup Button for Exchequer button on PostTrans Toolbar

Unwanted fields can be left blank.  Note you must be careful when adding columns to the template.  For example if we add a column between D and E then “Delivery address will no longer be in cell H3-H7 and Post Trans will see the first lines as “Add1:”.



Default Currency

CellRef: 1-89 (if multi currency system)   Ignores anything after ","

e-mail, if email in cell

CellRef: 2 cell references where the e-mail address will be found in spreadsheet

IN/OUT Location

CellRef: When posting ADJ, post opposite side to this location

When using Multi-Bins, by using Tag 'BinContraCode' you can specify the new Bin location to move stock IN

When using Serial/Batch items, the serial/batch number will be moved IN to this location

Video: ADJ


Also if added to a transaction, in the PRO version, then is popultate with default location on Cust/Supp selection. All stock searches will then use this value to display free stock for location.

Discount Days

CellRef: Apply settlement discount after x days. 

Discount %

CellRef: Apply settlement discount percentage

Tag No

CellRef: Tag no of transaction

Intra Stat ...

CellRef: Intra stat fields.  Intra stat process defaults to N for normal

Daily Exchange rate

CellRef: Exchange rate of transaction 

Delivery Address 1...5

CellRef: Transaction Delivery address lines 1...5 

System Setup - Transaction Header3 Tab - PostTrans Setup Button for Exchequer button on PostTrans Toolbar

Video: Talk about notes

Notes can be easily added to a Transaction using these settings:



Transaction Header General Notes

Line 1...25

CellRef: These cell references allow up to 25 lines to be specified which import General Notes.

All of these lines word wrap, so each can be really long.  (chr$(10) or "<br>" gives new line)

Notes line 1 can be overridden on each line of transaction using in Tag "THGNotes"

The "Other Transactions >> SOR" Example shows this in action.  Click here for more information on PostTrans examples

Import Blank Lines

When OFF PostTrans skips lines which are blank.

When ON PostTrans will import lines even if blank, this allows extra information to be posted with a transaction, and printed on an Exchequer Invoice/Order, since we always know the line number of the extra information.

Transaction Header Dated Notes


CellRef: User for Dated notes import line 1-10

Line 1...10

CellRef: These cell references allow up to 10 lines to be specified which import Dated Notes.

The Swich "Import Blank Lines" can be used to make sure the data goes into specified line number.

Transaction Header Alarmed Dated Notes


CellRef: Line of alarm note

The "Other Transactions >> SOR" Example shows this in action.  Click here for more information on PostTrans examples


CellRef: User for alarm.


CellRef: Date for Alarm.  If nothing is specified then today's date will be used

Links to external document:


CellRef: Filename of file including path (84 characters), which is posted as a linked document into Enterprise.

Link1/2 Description

CellRef: Description of file

Header Payment details for SRI

Payment GL

CellRef: Payment line GL code

Note : If this cell is has contents then attempts to use this information for payment line 

The "Other Transactions >> SRI" Example shows this in action.  Click here for more information on PostTrans examples

Cheque No

CellRef: Cheque No for payment line

Pay Ref

CellRef: Payment ref, as appears in bank rec

System Setup - Printing Tab - PostTrans Setup Button for Exchequer button on PostTrans Toolbar

This is only available in the Professional version of PostTrans

Video: Show me a video on Quick Order Pad/Telesales including Printing

Video: Talk about printing

This Tab under system setup, allows you print a transaction, after it is posted to Enterprise:



Always to ask to print after posting

If ON, then PostTrans will prompt for printing after transaction has been posted, using Enterprise default form for transaction

The "SQU" Example shows this in action.  Click here for more information on PostTrans examples

Video : Sales Quotes with revision history

or e-mail, if email in cell

CellRef: 2 cell references where the e-mail address will be found in spreadsheet

Fax, if fax no in cell

CellRef: 2 cell references where the Fax number will be found in spreadsheet

Tick "Print Hard copy" by default

If ON, then defaults to printing a hard copy

Don't Tick "e-mail" by default

If ON, then printing is un-ticked by default

Subject or Description

CellRef: Subject or description of Fax/e-mail


CellRef: Cell reference to body of e-mail text

Override Print/email form

CellRef: Cell reference, to override Enterprise default form, when printing and e-mailing 

Print to XML writer, if C/S set to eBix

Will write the Transactions to XML file, for eBis module to send to Customer or Supplier if set to "XML eBis" on the Customer/Supplier record

or if email in cell

CellRef: If cell contains "YES" the create XML transaction.  this overrides above if YES

XML written to directory

Write XML transactions to directory.  This should be the same directory the eBis module is using to auto send.

Override Fax form

CellRef: Cell reference, to override Enterprise default form, when faxing 

Printer User

CellRef: This needs to be a valid Exchequer user

Thus with the above settings we can create a Sales order entry spreadsheet which faxes or e-mails, up to two different

Exchequer Enterprise Printing example
After posting the user is prompted with:

Exchequer Enterprise Prining Conformation

System Setup - Other Tab - PostTrans Setup Button for Exchequer button on PostTrans Toolbar



Auto save spreadsheet:

Save before and after posting a Transaction

Always force a save of sheet if .xlt

Save as PATH & SUBDIR & YYYYMM & FILENAME & "_00000.xls" before importing. (84 char limit)  This option can be used in conjunction with "Auto Link "PostTrans Template"", to link the transaction to current sheet.

SUBDIR, YYYYMM are optional. see below.

The "SQU" Example shows this in action.  Click here for more information on PostTrans examples

Video : Sales Quotes with revision history

It is recomment to save the template as a XLT file to stop users saving over it.

if file exists then ask to save revision

If file already exists then ask user to save a revision.

PATH & FILENAME & "_xxxxx.xls" before importing.  where xx is a count.


CellRef: Points to cell containingroot path to save transaction. "Sub Directory" and YYYYMM are appended if turned on.


CellRef: Points to cell containing Filename of sheet.   Use a unique reference number (Job No,Date first entered, etc)

Sub Directory

Optional, but if points to account code cell then will place documents in seperate folder for each account code. (V7.3.12). Folder is created if it does not exist.

Create sub folder YYYYMM

Put files in directory for each month in format YYYYMM. This helps reduce the size of each folder and makes external links more managable. (V7.3.12) Folder is created if it does not exist.

Auto Link "PostTrans Template"

This automatically links current spreadsheet to Transaction when posted, under name "PostTrans Template".  


The "SQU" Example shows this in action.  Click here for more information on PostTrans examples

Video : Sales Quotes with revision history


VERY IMPORTANT: Note the filename, including path should not exceed 84 characters (limit in Exchequer).  PostTrans will validate this.

POR Cheapest Supplier:

Lookup price for cheapest supplier from Alt DB

When turned on this function looks up prices from Alternative DB for cheapest supplier

The "Cheapest Supplier" Example shows this in action.  Click here for more information on PostTrans examples

Job Costing Chargeout:

Set Charge Out Rate to Cost Price for Labour

If ticked, then will set Job costing Chargeout rate to NetValue for all lines with a Labour analysis code has Line Type 1 (Labour by default)

Bank GL for Bank Recs:

Bank Account GL

Default Bank Account GL when importing Back reconciliation data.   Click here for more information


The "GL and bank rec" Example shows this in action.  Click here for more information on PostTrans examples

Update Lines:

Use LineNo instead of StockCode

Normally the update lines procedure updates lines by matching by Stockcode, when on it will match by LineNo. 

See Edit Picked Qty and other Fields on Transaction Line

Display X Notes lines

Tag THLastGenNote and THLastDateNote return X lines.

System Setup - Chain Posting Tab - PostTrans Setup Button for Exchequer button on PostTrans Toolbar

This allows the developer to chain post two PostTrans sheets, having pressed the [Post Transaction] button.

"Transacton BackToBack ..." examples demo this

Video: Talk about chaining

Video: about Sales Order with Back to Back Purchase Order with auto pick when received



Chain Postings

Warning Validation

CellRef: If the cell contains text, then PostTrans displays the text as message.  The contents of the cell must be cleared before posting can be made.   The text in cell can be the result of a formula. Thus your validation formula can stop the posting of transaction.

Sheet to Post Next

CellRef: The name of the next sheet to post, after attempting the first one.  The first sheet must be posted before posting the second sheet.

Write OurRef after Posting

CellRef: After posting PostTrans writes back the OurRef back to this cell.  This allows the designer to use this ref when posting POR's, to allow "Auto picked when purchase order received"

And add sideways drill link

Other Transaction Ref

CellRef: This links a POR to the SOR transaction ref.  Thus linking in the sideways drill

Name to put against

CellRef: Name put against the sideways linking

Auto picked when purchase order received

Sets the Auto pick when the POR is received.

Note : This function has to match off stock codes in SOR & POR.  To allow duplicate stock codes in a Transaction, it also uses TLUser3 to match off relates lines in SOR -> POR.  So map something unique to TLUser3, e.g. Line number, which is mapped on the SOR and POR.

Update Another Transaction after Posting

if cell x has OurRef in it

CellRef: This allows a previously posted transaction, to have the referance of the transaction just posted, put in THYourRef, THAltRef, THUser 1-4.

Note: THYourRef, THAltRef cannot be updated if Trasaction is a SRI, since it is allocated and the COM Toolkit does not allow update.   Any attempt to update these fields will be ignored.

Also, If cell contains "OLECODE, Reference " then the Reference is posted to the company referred to by OLECODE.

Save In

Where to put on transaction

System Setup - Authorisation Tab - PostTrans Setup Button for Exchequer button on PostTrans Toolbar

PostTrans will respect the Enterprise Authoris-e™ module.  An additional download is required, see download page for download

The cell ref, under tab “Tran Defaults”, “Or in cell ref” cell ref is used to supply the Operator/Username name for requesting the Authorisation/Floor limit.

Note: PostTrans cannot submit the Transaction to the Authoris-e™ module.  Therefore any that need submitting, to the Authoris-e™ module, are imported "On Query".  A user should then submit all transactions by highlighting the transaction, then press the [Authorise] button.

Holding down ALT, at the start of a posting will show the Authorisation/Floor limit, retrieved from Enterprise. If not then the DLL is not in correct place.    

How PostTrans Authorisation works



Allow printing of unauthorised transactions

Allow printing of unauthorised transactions

POR Authorisation

CellRef: If set to cell ref, then get the Authorisation limit from cell*

POR Floor

CellRef: If set to cell ref, then get the Floor limit from cell*

* Setting either of these, will stop PostTrans calling the authorisation module

See: FAQ section of for more info on Authorisation Module

System Setup - Payments Tab + THAddMatch - PostTrans Setup Button for Exchequer button on PostTrans Toolbar

This allows the developer to import a list of payments, which are matched by THOurRef, THYourRef or THAltRef from an external system.  PostTrans finds the SIN (imported by a previous process) by the external reference stored in THYourRef or THAltRef, creates a Sales Receipt and writes matching information.  more about Matching Payment import

Thus the original invoice is paid off, in without having to know the SIN ref, just the unique external reference.




Match By

matched by THOurRef, THYourRef or THAltRef

Used by THAddMatch also.  more on THAddMatch

Bank GL Code

Bank GL to put on SRC

Control GL Code


Write Update date to

When using THAddMatch.  This will update a field in header with date last updated in YYYYMMDD format.

This can then be repoert on and transactions not posted in x days can be posted from daybook.

see example "Transaction Add Lines"

System Setup - Live Lookups - PostTrans Setup Button for Exchequer button on PostTrans Toolbar

Live Lookups is covered by a separate page, PostTrans Live Lookups for Exchequer

System Setup - B2B - PostTrans Setup Button for Exchequer button on PostTrans Toolbar

This tab allows the setup of B2B POR raised when posting an SOR. This follows the same rules and functionality of the Back to Back system in Exchequer.

B2B POR Setup



Enable B2B

Cell Ref Y/N


Cell Ref Y/N - Also picked SOR when POR is received


Cell Ref, 0=Original Order (Default), 2=Make up to Max stock level.


Cell Ref


If ticked then the suppliers will be derived by the default supplier on the stock record


Tick to include these types of lines in the back to back purchase order









POR List

Writes back list of POR posted or error

POR Count

Writes back count of POR created


PostTrans Toolbar



Post Transaction

Import the Transaction or data in to Exchequer company as specified in Set-up

Update Lookups

Scan data, validate and write back any looked up values

Clear Transaction

Clear Transaction, if an “X” is placed in row 17 (Default) then clears column contents.  

Click here for more information


Display list of Tags (these are used to identify data in columns)


Access System Set-up, the setup data is stored in the “Defaults” sheet therefore each template can have different settings.  

Click here for more information

Deletion Markers Clear Transactions button on PostTrans Toolbar

After an import, the user may press the [Clear Transaction] button, on the PostTrans Toolbar, to clear the contents of the template.   PostTrans uses the markers in row 17 to clear down the transaction lines.  “X” denotes clear contents; any other value is copied down the sheet.   Note: This is also done automatically before reading in a Text file.

Exchequer Enterprise Delete Markers