Postcode Programming API PostTrans XL Visual Importer: Exchequer Import Bill of Materials

This is only available in the Professional version of PostTrans

This PostTrans spreadsheet allows the user to easily Import/Extract/Amend Stock Bill of Materials data in Exchequer Enterprise.   It uses a series of tags, placed in row 1, to identify the data to be Imported/Extracted/Amended.   These tags can be easily added to a spreadsheet using the button, on the PostTrans Toolbar.  The data is read from row 3 onwards, which allows you to put user descriptions in row 2.  More Information on Design and Tags.

  Demonstration Video:

   Easily Add/Amend Bill of Materials

The "Customers and Stock" Example shows this in action.  more information on PostTrans examples


Extracting Bill of Materials Data from Exchequer Enterprise

To extract Stock Bill of Materials data press  button, on the PostTrans Toolbar, this will allow you to add criteria to the lookup:

Exchequer Enterprise Bill of Materials

Here we are going to get all stock components which make an alarm system "ALARMSYS-DOM-1".  We then press [Clear and Lookup Values] or [Add Lookup Values] button to populate the spreadsheet with data Exchequer Enterprise Stock records.   

IMPORTANT : The [Add Lookup Values] will not detect potential duplicate records added to the spreadsheet.

For example "ALARMSYS-DOM-1" may have three sub assemblies:

Amending the Exchequer Enterprise Bill of Materials Data

Exchequer Enterprise Bill of Materials IMport

Having extracted data, the user can now simply edit the Enterprise data, before re-importing it back to Exchequer Enterprise.   Note the spreadsheet should be in "BOMStockCode" code order before being re-imported into Enterprise.   Only BOMS shicha have changed will be

Importing new Exchequer Enterprise Bill of Materials Data

Simply add new lines to the spreadsheet from row 3 onwards.  Then press [Post Transactions], on the PostTrans Toolbar,  to import Exchequer Enterprise data.  

Deleting Exchequer Enterprise Bill of Materials Data

If you wish to remove a line from a bill of materials,  simple put an X in the deletion column:

Bill of Materials Required fields

To Import/Extract/Amend Exchequer Enterprise Stock Data, the following Tags/Fields must be specified:

BOMPosted, ErrorDesc, BOMStockCode, ComponentStockCode, Qty

Cell A1 must equal BOMPosted

ComponentStockCode is used to detect end of spreadsheet.  PostTrans will stop Importing/Amending, from row 3 onwards, when this field is empty.


Note the spreadsheet should be in "BOMStockCode" code order before being re-imported into Enterprise

Exchequer Bill of Materials Fields fields available for update:

The following Tags are used to identify the corresponding fields in Exchequer Enterprise.  Use the [Design] button (or Ctrl+Shift+D), on the PostTrans Toolbar, to access these tags.   more Information on Designing templates.

Tag Name

Data Type Length







Returns 'POSTED' if Trans line has been posted and will be ignored if 'POSTED' (required)



Description of error posted back if record unsuccessfully posted


Text 16

Stock Code of Parent Stock code


Text 16

Stock Code of BOM Item


Double 1


Additional Lookups:





Unit cost (Read only)


Text 55

Stock description of Child Item (Read Only)


Text 55

Stock description of Parent Item  (Read Only)